A motherboard (also called mainboard, main circuit board, system board, baseboard, planar board, logic board, and mobo) is the main printed circuit board (PCB) in general-purpose computers and other expandable systems. It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system, such as the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, and provides. Logic Boards & CPUs. Replacement logic boards (motherboards), processor cards, processors (CPUs) and processor upgrade cards for Apple products including MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Pro, iPad, iPhone, Xserve, PowerBook and iBook. Do not attempt a logic board replacement unless you know what you are doing. A Logic board failure (computer doesn't start, black screen) is a very common failure of (old) macbook pros. The repair costs are way higher (around 600$) than what a used non broken mac is worth.
Apple Macbook Pro 15' A1286 2009 Logic Board w/ T9600 CPU 820-2523-B EMC 2325. Model #: 661-5213 - Item #: 9SIAH8WBD63561; Return Policy: View Return Policy.
Logic Board For Macbook Pro 2011
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Logic Board For Macbook
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Catering to the working professional, the MacBook Pro 13' is aptly named. With powerful processor and graphics capabilities, these Apple machines are great for either the professional or aspiring creative genius.
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